This year, on the International Migrants Day 2018, we celebrate!
Integra Fest 2018 – Another path to integration
SATURDAY / 15 DECEMBER 2018 / 11:00 – 20:00
at SERAFEIO Σεράφειο Δήμου Αθηναίων – Serafio City of Athens
~music~dance~bazaar~kids corner~flavors~tradition~community
Migrant communities & organisations will present another path to integration in the greek society: the path of culture, creativity, solidarity, family and community!
The Greek Forum of Migrants – Ελληνικό Φόρουμ Μεταναστών, plans a series of events for the celebration of Intenrational Migrants Day 2018, beginning with the Integra Fest 2018, on Saturday 15/12 and organizing each day a differnet action until Tuesday 18th of December. Actions and events dedicated to the International Migrants Day 2018 and to the integration that the migrants themselves are implementing each day through their communities in the Greek society.
Stay tuned for a detailed schedule!
With the cooperation: Europe Direct City of Athens, Σεράφειο Δήμου Αθηναίων – Serafio City of Athens, Intergation Migrants ouncil of City of Athens